Journey Of Charles Darwin Theory Of Natural selection Class 12 Biology


Journey Of Charles Darwin | Theory Of Natural selection | Class 12 Biology • About This Video ........................ • In This Video Lecture You Will Learn Basic Concept Of Journey Of Charles Darwin • Charles Darwin was born in Shrewsbury, in Western England, in 1809. He joined ’ the • ancestral form by the gradual accumulation of adaptations to different environments, • A particularly puzzling case of geographical distribution was the fauna of the Galapagos • American mainland and then diversified on the different islands. Among the birds • of specimens of diverse fauna and lora of South America. He noticed that the fauna • although they resemble species living on the South American mainland. It was as • American in their resemblance to the living plants and animals of that continent. • expedition on Beagle to South American coastline. He observed and collected thousands • Darwin collected on the Galapagos were 13 types of inches that, although quite similar, • After returning to Great Britain in 1836, Darwin perceived the origin of new species • seemed to be different species. Some were unique to individual islands, while other • two populations could become dissimilar enough to be designated as separate species. • that Darwin found, though clearly different from modem species, were distinctly South • though the islands were colonized by plants and animals that strayed from the South • separated from original habitat by geographical barriers. Over many generations, the • very distinct from the life forms of Europe. Furthermore, the South American fossils • and adaptations as closely related processes. A new species would arise from an • and lora of the different regions of the continent had a definite South American stamp, • islands. Most of the animal species on the Galapagos live nowhere else in the world, • species were distributed on two or more islands that were close together. • This is apparently what happened to the Galapagos finches. • By the early 1840s, Darwin had worked out the major features of his theory of natural • But before it could be published Alfred Wallace, a young naturalist working in the East • selection as the mechanism of evolution. In 1844, Darwin wrote a long essay on the • the Linnaean Society of London on July 1, 1858. Darwin quickly finished The Origin of • origin of species and natural selection. • Indies developed a theory of natural selection essentially identical to Darwin’s. Wallace’s • paper, along with extracts from Darwin’s unpublished 1844 essay, were presented to • Species and published it the next year. In this book Darwin developed two main points: • 2. Natural Selection and Adaptation : • their local environments through natural selection. Darwin’s theory of natural selection • hereditary constitution of the surviving individuals. Those individuals whose inherited • Darwin suggested that populations of individual species become better adapted to • 3. This unequal ability of individuals to survive and reproduce will lead to a gradual • change in a population, with favourable characteristics accumulating over the • 1. Production of more individuals than the environment can support, leads to a struggle • characteristics it them best to their environment are likely to leave more offspring • for existence among individuals of a population, with only a fraction of offspring • 2. Survival in the struggle for existence is not random,, but depends in part on the • was based on the following observations. • than the less it individuals. • surviving each generation. • generations thus leading to the evolution of a new species. • About This Channel..................... • I make these videos cause I love to draw and connect the complexity of science and medicine into art. I'm not saying. I'm 100% correct in all my videos, but I do try to obtain the information from credible sources. • One-stop destination for all biology lectures. • _ students in class 11, 12 or appearing for competitive medical exams ( NMDCAT ) will find it very beneficial • _ The videos are categories under various heading to make the students life simplified • Visit My Other Channel Playlist ..................... • NMDCAT PART 1:    • New 1st Year Biology   • NMDCAT PART 2:    • New 2nd Year Biology   • Class 11th Lectures:    • New 1st Year Biology   • Class 12th Lectures:    • New 2nd Year Biology   • Class 10th Lectures: •    • Matric Biology   • Subscribe My Channel: •    / aliacademya7r   • Social Link........................ • Instagram: • TWINS


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