📚 Must Read Books 👻 Ghosts in the House
>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=i-KEeOCNBbo
📚 Must Read Books with 🤓 Ms. Brooke! • Today we are reading 👻 Ghosts in the House by Kazuno Kahora! https://learn.yogisquad.org/book-free... • Once there was a girl who went to live in a big old house at the edge of town. It was a splendid place, but there was one problem. The house was HAUNTED! What will she do with all those ghosts? • ABOUT ME: I’m Brooke, an educator and librarian turned yoga and mindfulness advocate for humans of all ages 🦄🤓 (especially KIDS)! • SUBSCRIBE FOR NEW VIDEOS EVERY WEEK: https://www.youtube.com/c/YogiSquad?s... • Connect with me here: https://yogisquad.org • Follow me on TikTok Instagram 📲: / yogisquadfw; / yogisquadfw • ✨Thanks so much for watching! ✨ • #ghostsinthehouse #halloweenbooks #spookyseason #iaintafraidofnoghosts #mustreadbooks #mindfulnessforstudents #mindfulnessforparents #mindfulnessforteachers