Sigurd the Dragonslayer A Viking Rune Stone πΈπͺπ²
The dragonslayer Sigurd was an ancestral figure and archetype for Germanic aristocracy. • Sigurdsristningen in Sweden is the Ramsund carving (Sigurd stone) made in the early 11th century in memorial of a man named Sigröd by the command of his widow Sigriþr – the names of these aristocrats suggest that these people believed themselves descendants of Sigurd who was himself descended from Odin. • Sigurd’s story is famous around Europe, it is most well-known from the Old Norse sources Þiðrekssaga and Völsunga saga as well as the medieval German Nibelungenlied in which Sigurd is known as Siegfried – this was the inspiration for Richard Wagner’s Ring cycle opera. In Beowulf, Sigurd’s grandfather Volsung is referred to in Old English as Wæls. • This channel depends on your support: • Paypal: • Patreon: / survivethejive • Pagan Documentary: • Music and images are free of known copyright restrictions and are available for use in the public domain. • Gotterdammerung: Siegfriend's Funeral March, Finale • Recorded by United States Marine Band.