Full Channel Resistivity a Revolutionary new Geophysical Method by ZZ Resistivity Imaging
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For more information, visit our website https://www.zzgeo.com. • Do you know about the full-channel resistivity/IP method? With this method, for each AB current injection, all other electrodes are used to measure voltage. For example, if you are using 100 electrodes for a survey, you would collect 97 or 98 potentials from the rest of the 98 electrodes for each current injection; this means you can collect thousands of data points in only a few minutes, which can produce more precise inversion results than traditional methods, due to the more useful information. I have attached an image to help illustrate the difference between the full-channel method and channel-limited methods. • Our company, ZZ Resistivity Imaging manufactures full-channel resistivity/IP instruments in Australia, as well as seismic instruments.