Exceptions to the Octet Rule AP Chem Unit 2 Topic 5B
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Learn AP Chemistry with Mr. Krug! Get the AP Chemistry Ultimate Review Packet: http://www.ultimatereviewpacket.com/c... • Guided notes for these AP Chem videos are now included in the Ultimate Review Packet! Find them at the start of each unit. All materials for Units 1 and 2 are included in the free trial! • If you need help reviewing for your other AP Courses, such as Biology, Physics 1, Environmental Science, Calculus AB, Pre-Calculus, Psychology, Macroeconomics, World History, US History, and more, check out http://www.ultimatereviewpacket.com. #apchemistry #apchem • In this video, Mr. Krug works through several examples of molecules that are exceptions to the octet rule and exhibit and expanded octet. He shows students how to recognize a molecule that will be an exception to the octet rule.