ASPNET Core and Ngrok
If you're seeing a 502 Bad Gateway or 307 Temporary Redirect while using Ngrok, then this video is for you. • Ngrok exposes local servers behind NATs and firewalls to the public internet over secure tunnels. When using Ngrok with ASP.NET Core, there are a few trials and trepidation that one encounters that render using Ngrok with ASP.NET Core seem impossible. In this videos, I take you through the process of understanding Ngrok, the errors you see and how to fix them. Eventually, we'll have the perfect solution to configuring Ngrok to make it work with ASP.NET Core. • 00:00 Introduction • 02:10 What is Ngrok - When and Why would you use it • 02:56 What are Webhooks • 05:36 How does Ngrok fit into your Network? • 11:20 Introducing the Ngrok Command line • 16:26 Starting withe ASP.NET Core Web API App • 19:09 502 Bad Gateway Error • 21:47 Solution the the 502 Bad Gateway • 24:26 400 Bad Request Invalid Host Name • 25:30 Solution the the 400 Bad Request Invalid Host Name issue • 26:06 307 Temporary Redirect issue • 28:58 Solution to the 307 Temporary Redirect issue • 33:10 Getting HTTPS Endpoints working