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Improvisation is nothing new in movies, but it also has a place in the pre-production process. Some actors are so confident in their abilities, that they’ll improvise during their auditions for a role. Actors such as Robert Downey Jr, Tom Holland and Chris Pratt have all mixed some improv into auditions for some of the most iconic roles in pop culture. It’s possible that without their improv, we would be seeing different actors in the roles of Iron Man, Star-Lord and Spider-Man. It’s exactly the kind of thing we would expect out of these actors, as they prove they are masters at their craft. Who do you think faked a British accent to fool legendary director Martin Scorsese? • Improvising during an audition is a big risk to take. There’s no guarantee it will go well, and it might send the wrong message to the casting agents. Sometimes however, it’s the improvised moments that land actors a big role, as they showcase exactly why they are perfect to play a certain character. Even if they go directly against advice from their agents, or oppose what a director wants, they can still make an impression with some expert improvisation. You’ll love seeing what some of these actors did during their auditions to secure their role. From hilarious zingers, to doing the audition in both English and Spanish, these are the actors who put it all out there and improvised during their auditions. • Which actor do you think had the best improv during their audition? • Subscribe: • Chapters: • 00:00 Intro • 00:20 Tom Holland - Spider-Man • 00:57 Chris Pratt - Star-Lord • 01:24 Robert Downey Jr. - Iron Man • 01:59 Dacre Montgomery - Billy Hargrove • 02:28 Jason Momoa - Khal Drogo • 02:56 Dafne Keen - X23 • 03:34 Harry Potter Various Actors • 04:04 Alden Ehrenreich - Han Solo • 04:24 John Kransinki - Jim Halpert • 04:55 Chloe Grace Moertz - Isabelle (Hugo) • 05:27 Steve Carell - Brick Tamland • 05:57 Tom Hanks - Forrest Gump • 06:24 Blair Witch Cast • 06:59 Russel Brand - Aldous Snow • 07:22 Jim Carrey - Andy Kaufman • 07:45 Outro • Our Social Media: • Facebook: / thethingscom • For more videos and articles visit: • • Written by: Zachary Goldberg • Narrated by: Zachary Goldberg • Edited by: Zachary Goldberg • • For copyright matters please contact us at: [email protected]