Amway Hero Awards – Bill amp Peggy Britt – Leadership Amway
See how Bill went from being a city manager without any money to a successful and leading Amway IBO. • Bill and Peggy went from nothing to now having a downline of over 1.4 million Amway IBOs. A great leader is one that creates other leaders, which Bill and Peggy have done through sharing their story and motivating others to live out their dream. • Sadly, on January 23, 2013, Bill Britt passed away, though most IBOs in his downline still refer to him in the present tense because they still feel his presence to this day. Thank you so much for your leadership and dedication to the Amway community, Bill and Peggy. Congratulations on your much deserved Amway Hero Award for Leadership. • Every year the Amway community comes together to celebrate the heroic efforts of outstanding people like Mark who make a positive impact in the lives of others. • • DETERMINATION – Dedication to self-improvement despite difficult circumstances. • • GENEROSITY – Extraordinary volunteerism and philanthropy to help others in need. • • LEADERSHIP – Selfless mentorship and inspiration to help others succeed. • • PATRIOTISM – Compassionate service to the community or sense of duty to country • Nominate a Hero for an Amway Hero Award today at • SUBSCRIBE to our channel today: • Connect with us on social media: • Facebook: / amwayus • Twitter: / amwayus • Instagram: / amwayus • Google+: