EU4 Extended Timeline Needs To Be Stopped
Discord: / discord • Twitter: / theredhawkyt • Extended Timeline: • In this video titled EU4 - Extended Timeline Needs To Be Stopped! we take a look at the Extended Timeline Mod for Europa Universalis 4. Extended Timeline is a mod which bring a playable timeline extended from 2 to 9999, over 500 new countries, each with historical territories and rules at any given date, over 100 new provinces, new religions with unique mechanics and decisions, new cultures, technologies, units, buildings, new event, decisions and more. If you are feeling limited by the 400 years scope of Europa Universalis IV, then check out the Extended Timeline mod. For the unknowing, you might think this is just a mod disabling the end date of the game, but instead it's so much more. Play at any period of time between the years 2-9999 and be amazed by the detail in the recreated pre-EUIV world, as well as the present time, fulfill your journey far into the future with new techs, buildings and governments. This is the fourth video in my Needs To Be Stopped series where I review and showcase mods for EU4. Even though this one isn't as cursed as some previous ones we have done like Voltaire's New Nightmare, it's still a really good mod that I think was worth doing a video about, and a mod that you should definitely check out for yourself. So I hope you enjoy my EU4 Mod Showcase video. If you want to play Extended Timeline for yourself in EU4 you can check out the link I have provided. Let me know what other mods I should check out and leave a comment below. • #eu4 #europauniversalis4 #eu4ExtendedTimeline