Cicha furia Stanfordzki eksperyment więzienny Philip Zimbardo Stanford Prison Experiment 5
In the middle of August 1971, Philip G. Zimbardo held what would be later called the Stanford Prison Experiment. Twenty four participants were split into two groups: prisoners and guards. Originally planned to last two weeks, the study was stopped after six days once an outside observer expressed concerns over the ethicalness of the work as well as over the wellbeing of the participants. The study has historically pointed to how ordinary people in the right environment will inevitably become broken victims or violent aggressors. It’s raised a plethora of ethical questions and recent evidence questions if not outright invalidates Zimbardo’s findings. • **Find a transcript, lesson plans, worksheets, and more at: • **Think Further Questions: • 1. What parts of the study can’t be replicated because of today’s ethical standards? • 2. The study was later ethically recreated without the coaching of the guards. Do you think that those results would be significantly different? How so? • 3. What are some other lessons we can take away from the Stanford Prison Experiment? • **Contents • 00:00 - Problem • 00:36 - Explanation • 00:51 - Stanford Prison Experiment • 01:27 - The Experiment • 02:17 - Issues Raised • 04:10 - Why Care? • #academy4sc #civicseducation #elections