Sky High 하늘 높이


If you like the video and want to support the channel, follow these links to become a Patron/YouTube Member (with extra benefits inc. early access content, exclusive videos, updates, q as, private community discord chat): • 💰 PATREON |   / jacksaint   • 🔴 YOUTUBE |    / @lackingsaint   • CLARIFICATION (04/09/18): • I was very careful about directing basically all of my criticisms of Sky High towards the film itself, not its creators, and there's a reason for that. As I say in the video, I don't think these kinds of tropes only come about with deliberately bad intentions, and as such I by no means want to label anyone who worked on the film a fascist themselves. Please don't harass people. Now, unfortunately, I'm also a bit of an idiot so I recorded everything without double-checking if 'propaganda' could be unintentional. It turns out the general consensus is no, so my use of the term in the video is inaccurate. Misinformation would be the better phrasing. My apologies, and I won't let it happen again. • CLARIFICATION (29/11/18: • Hey, you know how in the video I said Native Americans were being forcibly sterilized right up until the 1970s? Well, it turns out that much of the information on the topic greatly minimizes this issue - that stuff is still happening TODAY. Find out more here: • REFLECTION (2/12/18): My Sky High video just went from like 5000 views to almost 100K - and with it a whooole lot of criticism, some of which is actually reasonable. Here's some reflections on the matter! • INTRODUCTION 0:00 • LIBERAL FASCISM 0:52 • WHAT IS SKY HIGH? 4:00 • EUGENICS 9:19 • HEROES AND SIDEKICKS 11:48 • THIS MOVIE IS A TRAGEDY 20:52 • CONCLUSION 29:15 • OUTRO 32:33 • TWITTER:   / lackingsaint   • FACEBOOK:   / lackingsaint   • ANISOC COMMUNITY:   / discord   • #VideoEssay #Disney #SkyHigh


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