CTGPR 103 on Dolphin Guide

>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=iLOg7t-uuEg

You need to dolphin 5.0-18192 or later. This is in the beta and dev builds (not stable). The special build in the video is no longer needed. • https://dolphin-emu.org/download/ • CTGP: https://www.chadsoft.co.uk/ • 30fps code: https://mariokartwii.com/showthread.p... • FAQ: • Q: Performance is bad • A: Yes, it is currently very slow. But to give the best chance at fullspeed make sure you are using my suggestions: • 1: time trials only • 2: turn off Write-Back Cache and load a savestate • 3: Reduce Emulated CPU Clock (don't do it too much or the game will be in slow motion at fullspeed ) • 4: 30fps cheat • 5: General OS/Dolphin stuff like windows high performance mode • Q: I did that and it's still too slow • A: Not much else you can do to directly run CTGP. But you can still play custom tracks with a guide like    • How to play CTGP Custom Tracks on Dol...   • I would recommend following mvrck's comment about extracting the disc instead, though. • Q: Where do I get MKWii? • A: You must dump it from a game disk https://wiki.dolphin-emu.org/index.ph... • I will not help with piracy. • Q: Install gets stuck around 24% • A: Likely a bad dump. Verify your game (in dolphin, right click MKWii, properties, verify). If you don't get good dump it is probably your problem. • Q: CTGP-R channel is an infinite black screen • A: In Config → Advanced, check Enable Write-Back Cache (slow) • Q: CTGP-R crashes soon after launch (before selecting license) • A: Try disabling Config → Advanced → MMU. Ignore the resulting popup. • Q: When launching CTGP-R channel, I get IntCPU Unknown Instruction? • A: Disable the 30fps cheat from the properties menu. • Q: Where do I get the MKWii ISO? • A: Dump the disc you own https://dolphin-emu.org/docs/guides/r... I will not help with other methods. • Q: CTGP doesn't show in the game list • A: 1:43. Make sure the boot.dol in the folder is either directly in one of the dolphin game paths or deeper inside one of the paths with search subfolders enabled. • Text Guide: • 1. Download the latest beta or dev build • 2. Use 7zip/winrar to extract and install it • 3. Download CTGP-R • 4. Load up dolphin and go to Config → Wii. • 5. If you've used dolphin before, hit Convert File to Folder Now . If you don't have anything on your sd card this will error, but this is fine. • 6. Go to Documents/Dolphin Emulator/Load/WiiSDSync and copy the CTGP files • 7. Also, go to the apps folder and copy the ctgpr folder to your roms. Make sure boot.dol is in your game list. • 8. In Config → Wii. Click Convert Folder to File Now and close the window • 9. In Config → Advanced, check Enable Write-Back Cache (slow) • 10. Right click Mario Kart Wii and click Set as Default ISO • 11. Go to Tools → Perform Online System Update • Current Region if availible, otherwise choose region of game. • This is needed to get savestates to work. • 12. Launch the CTGP-R Channel and run through the normal setup • It should now be working, but you should do a few things to help performance. • 13. Once you get to the menu, make a savestate and close the game. Turn off Write-Back Cache and load normal MKWii. Load the savestate, and you should have somewhat better performance. • 14. Reduce the Emulated CPU clock. But if you reduce it too much the game will be in slow motion at 100% speed. • 15. Try the 30fps cheat code (Do not enable this code while launching the CTGP-R channel, or it will crash) • 0:00 Dolphin setup • 2:53 CTGP setup • 3:59 Performance settings • 5:52 Sample lap • 6:48 30fps example


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