Catching Pythons with a REAL Florida Contractor in the Everglades
Catching Pythons With A Real Florida Contractor In The Everglades. Because my newest rescue #CamoMan chewed and destroyed my SD card with over a years worth of content I was getting ready to make YouTube videos with..... welp he got my a** into gear and I filmed a whole days hunt and python catch; here it is!!! This is my first REAL YouTube video so bare with me, ill get much better! The python caught in the video yielded me $125 being he was 7ft long, the money keeps my operation going but the results I see in the native wildlife increasing is what really drives me!! Conservation is important to me and this is the best way I can contribute my skills as a hunter, outdoorsmen and modern day Gladesmen. Thanks for watching yall, hope you enjoyed. #pythoncowboy #trappermike #conservation #invasivespecies • *FOLLOW US ON SOCIAL MEDIA! * • SUBSCRIBE TO PYHTON COWBOY► / pythoncowboy • FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM ► / pythoncowboy • LIKE PYTHON COWBOY ON FACEBOOK ► / pythoncowboy • GET THE PYTHON COWBOY MERCH ► • Contact to book or license footage [email protected]