Klipper 3d Printer Firmware What is it Why do I want it
>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=iNHta6zljoM
Due to all the questions I get about Klipper, decided to turn the camera on and talk about it for a bit (and then edit it down to a more manageable video) • https://www.klipper3d.org/ • Can your printer run klipper? https://github.com/KevinOConnor/klipp... • If you like what you see and want to help support the channel • / nero3dp • https://www.buymeacoffee.com/Nero3dp • Looking for a great first 3d printer? Grab an Ender 3 V2 from the affiliate link below, get a great deal on a machine AND help the channel out in the process. • https://www.banggood.com/custlink/vmK... • Need filament or a printer? Purchase anything from MatterHackers with the link below and a portion of the sale goes to supporting the channel • http://www.matterhackers.com?aff=7543 • I NOW HAVE A TWITTER, follow me @ / 3dpnero