Head Radical MP Graphene 360 2021 Review by Gladiators
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This is the review of the new 2021 Head Graphene 360+ Radical MP. Perfect for an all-court player looking for a blend of control and power. The thick frame and the open string pattern provide power and spin, while the small head size keeps it all under control. Oh did I mention, the HOT design of the new Radical that literally scares the opponents? 2:00 • 🎾 Subscribe for a weekly dose of tennis-related content: / @gladiatorstribe • 1:16 Specs • 1:40 Grisha's Review • 4:09 Kuzey's Review • 7:12 Al's (Alvaro's) Review • 9:25 Bloopers • Areg is playing a tournament, so you won't see him in this review. Or will you? Let us know what you think about the new member of Gladiators Tennis! • Make sure to follow us on Instagram! @gladiatorstennis • #gladiatorstennis #headtennis #headradical