GEORG MUFFAT 16531704 ORGAN WORKS 1 Fred Pisecki organ sample set
The South German Organ School in Passau (Bavaria) and Salzburg (Austria) • ______________________________________________ • GEORG MUFFAT (1653-1704) • ______________________________________________ • APPARATUS MUSICO-ORGANISTICUS (1690) – Volume 1 • • 01 Toccata Prima 00:00 • 02 Toccata Secunda 05:46 • 03 Toccata Tertia 11:40 • 04 Toccata Quarta 17:32 • 05 Toccata Quinta 24:41 • 06 Toccata Sexta 30:43 • 07 Toccata Septima 39:55 • 08 Toccata Oktava 50:39 • ______________________________________________ • TOTAL TIME PLAYING: 57:33 • ______________________________________________ • Recorded with the following Virtual Hauptwerk Sample Set: • 1787 Holzhey organ at the Abbey Church of Saint Peter and Paul, Weissenau, Germany • ______________________________________________ • 1653 born Johann Georg Muffat is amongst the most important composers of the Baroque Age in the German region of Lower Bavaria. Characteristically, his music was shaped by French and Italian influence. With his Apparatus musico-organisticus Georg Muffat created a formidable compendium of the art of the southern German toccata . • The Apparatus musico-organisticus , finally published in 1690 by Johann Baptist Mayr at Salzburg, is perhaps one of the most beautiful musical publications ever printed. In his preface Muffat, arguably the greatest eclecticist before Bach, says: May you give my style a try and, if you will, consider pleasant, how I amalgamated it with my experience of the most outstanding organists in Germany, Italy and France, whose ways are not that well known and commonly used yet. • Deliberately he looks back to his musical development that had taken place on a broad international scale, including all musical spheres and traditions of this time. Son of an Englishman and a French woman in Upper Savoy, he studied in Alsace and Paris. In wartime he found his way via Alsace, Bavaria, Vienna and Prague to Salzburg, where the bishop employed him, enabling him to study in Italy. From 1690 on, we find him in a similar position in Passau, where he died in 1704. • On these two CDs, Fred G. Pisecki presents the twelve toccatas and three theme and variations of 1690’s Apparatus musico-organisticus . Using contemporary means, he accepts the challenge of Muffat’s 17th century cosmopolitan achievements. At last, Fred’s ambition to find a representative, historical sample set suitable to realize that undertaking got satisfied by the digitization of the Holzhey organ at the baroque monastery church at Weißenau. One of the largest landmark organs in Southern Germany, the instrument comprising 41 stops distributed over three manuals and a pedal division was built in 1785 by Johann Nepomuk Holzhey. • Even though the Holzhey organ was installed almost one century after the publication of Muffat’s works, when registrated with subtlety for each movement of the Apparatus’s toccatas, that precious instrument does not only prove its extraordinary splendor of sound. What is more, the stops provided allow this rendition to strive for historically validity and authenticity. • The portrait on the cover of this CD is not of Georg Muffat himself but of his patron, the Salzburg Cathedral Provost Maximilian Ernst Count Scherffenberg (Schärffenberg).