The Guide for the Perplexed 33 🌟 By Moses Maimonides FULL Audiobook


The Guide for the Perplexed. By Moses Maimonides. Full Audiobook • The Guide for the Perplexed is a book written by Moses Maimonides, a Jewish philosopher, in the 12th century. The book is addressed to those who have studied philosophy and have acquired knowledge, and who while firm in religious matters are perplexed and bewildered on account of the ambiguous and figurative expressions employed in holy writings . The book aims to reconcile Aristotelian principles with the Hebrew Bible and argues that God must be understood as both unified and incorporeal . • Maimonides wrote the book for those whose religious roots were deep and who had held to religious practice. The object of this treatise is to enlighten a religious man who has been trained to believe in the truth of our holy Law, who conscientiously fulfills his moral and religious duties, and at the same time has been successful in his philosophical studies . The book is concerned with finding a concord between the religion of the Old Testament and its commentaries, and Aristotelian philosophy . • The book is divided into three parts. The first part deals with the nature of God, divine attributes, and the concept of creation. The second part deals with the nature of the universe, including the celestial spheres, the elements, and the human soul. The third part deals with providence, prophecy, and the interpretation of biblical narratives . • Maimonides' approach to the interpretation of the Bible is based on the belief that the Bible contains two kinds of language: literal and figurative. The literal language is used to convey historical facts, while the figurative language is used to convey abstract ideas. Maimonides believed that the figurative language of the Bible was intended to convey philosophical truths, and that these truths could be discovered through the use of reason . • The Guide for the Perplexed is an important work in Jewish philosophy and has had a significant influence on Jewish thought. It has also been studied by scholars of medieval philosophy and has been recognized as a major work of medieval Jewish philosophy . • In conclusion, The Guide for the Perplexed is a book that aims to reconcile Aristotelian principles with the Hebrew Bible and argues that God must be understood as both unified and incorporeal. The book is divided into three parts and deals with the nature of God, the universe, and providence. Maimonides' approach to the interpretation of the Bible is based on the belief that the Bible contains two kinds of language: literal and figurative. The book has had a significant influence on Jewish thought and has been recognized as a major work of medieval Jewish philosophy .. • More: Moses Maimonides, The Guide for the Perplexed, philosophical works • religion, scientific ideas, philosophic ideas • Old Testament, commentaries, Aristotelian philosophy • conflict, reconciliations, Moslem rationalists • scholastics, Aquinas, Scotus • 00:00:00 Chapter 39 • 00:11:23 Chapter 40 • 00:18:51 Chapter 41 • 00:44:36 Chapter 42 • 00:49:35 Chapter 43 • 00:59:17 Chapter 44 • 01:00:05 Chapter 45 • 01:15:13 Chapter 46 • 01:45:50 Chapter 47 • 02:00:46 Chapter 48 • 02:09:20 Chapter 49 • 02:39:20 Chapter 50 • 02:51:57 Chapter 51 • 03:18:37 Chapter 52 • 03:23:10 Chapter 53 • 03:27:16 Chapter 54


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