Berberis darwinii Bjarnaber Blábroddur Darwinsbroddur Skrautrunni


Berberis darwinii - Darwinsbroddur - Broddur - Broddr - Bjarnaber - Blábroddur , Darwinberberiss - Darwinberberis - Darwin's barberry - appelsínugul blóm, tennt laufblöð - blá ber. I spotted a lovely Berberis flowers in the spring. Þetta er einstaklega fallegur hraðvaxta runni með fíngerð lítil laufblöð sem eru með 3-5 hvössum broddum, appelsínugul blóm í þyrpingum um allar greinar og blá ber. Hann er harðger og þolir allt að 10 gráðu frost. • Ættkvíslin Berberis, broddar, er stór ættkvísl hátt í 200 tegunda í mítursætt, Berberidaceae, með útbreiðslu um tempruð og heittempruð belti jarðar. Mestur tegundafjöldi er í S-Ameríku, Afríku og Asíu. Þetta eru lauffellandi eða sígrænir, þyrnóttir runnar sem bera lítil gul eða appelsínugul blóm. Lesa meira: • Berberis x bidentata (B. lologensis) - Logabroddur • Berberis x ottawensis - Sunnubroddur • var. atropurpurea - Purpurabroddur • Berberis thunbergii - Sólbroddur • Berberis darwinii was discovered in South America in 1835 by Charles Darwin during the voyage of the 'Beagle'; however, the berries of this species were consumed by prehistoric native peoples in the Patagonian region over millennia. The species was one of many named in honour of Darwin. It is a popular garden and hedging shrub in the British Isles. The Royal Horticultural Society has given the species its Award of Garden Merit. The edible fruit is very acidic. • Berberis - barberries - is a genus of about 450-500 species of deciduous and evergreen shrubs. The flowers are produced singly or in racemes of up to 20 on a single flower-head. They are yellow or orange, 3-6 mm long, with six sepals and six petals in alternating whorls of three, the sepals usually coloured like the petals. The fruit is a small berry 5-15 mm long, ripening red or dark blue, often with a pink or violet waxy surface bloom; in some species, they may be either long and narrow (like a bar, hence 'barberry'), but are spherical in other species. • Aðrar tegundir sem ræktaðar eru í görðum eru Ryðbroddur Berberis vulgaris, Sólbroddur Berberis thunbergii, Glóbroddur Berberis circumserrata, Hélubroddur Berberis candicula, Vorbroddur Berberis vernae, Vetrarbroddur Berberis verruculosa.


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