The LEGO Boba Fett microfighter looks delightfully retro
Please purchase your Star Wars LEGO through our affiliate link: • The Slave I – erm, Boba Fett’s Starship (TM) microfighter is absolutely adorable, and, very reminiscent of the very first LEGO Slave – erm, Boba Fett’s Starship (TM). • Note that LEGO 7144 (released in 2000) features very similar blocky slope pieces to the new LEGO 75344 (releasing in 2023). The new model has around half the piece count of the OG Sla-erm, Boba Fett’s Starship (TM), which no doubt helps with that retro nostalgic charm. • The only real weak point? These diddy little wings. They might be a tad too small.