Serengeti Lion Falls Out of Tree DSCN1696


3/7/2013 - Several lions were resting up in a tree near the side of the road. As we watched from the Land Rover, one lion attempted to go farther out on a branch. As you can see in this video, the lion first hangs from the tree, then falls down. • Earlier on the safari while in the Ngorongoro crater, we saw 7 lions - 4 lionesses and 3 young males - take down and begin eating a Cape buffalo over the course of 3 hours. The buffalo had a buddy who came to the rescue several times, but eventually had to give up. The following 4 videos show different stages of the attack.. •    • Lions attack Cape buffalo in Ngorongo...   9:30 AM - The buddy moves far enough away so the lions attack. The buddy returns and chases them off. •    • Lions attack Cape buffalo in Ngorongo...   9:50 AM - Lions bring down buffalo, buddy does not return •    • Lions attack Cape buffalo in Ngorongo...   10:10 AM - Buffalo manages to get up, in spite of feeding lions •    • Lions Attack Cape Buffalo in Ngorongo...   10:17 AM - One last time, buffalo manages to get up briefly. Flock of crowned cranes fly over. • To see more of our Tanzania Kilimanjaro climb and safari to Serengeti and Ngorongoro Crater (along with some fun negotiating in Arusha) visit • • Later in the afternoon we returned to the site of the kill. One of the lions walked over to the Land Rover, looking for shade, apparently having had his fill of buffalo. Here is a video of the lion walking around our Land Rover: •    • Lion Coming To Rest In Shade of Land ...   • In Serengeti we also saw lions mating and a male giraffe attempting to mate: • Lions:    • Lions Mating, Serengeti, Tanzania DSC...   • Giraffes:   • Giraffes in Serengeti - Male Trying t...   • To climb Mt. Kilimanjaro and safari through the Serengeti and Ngorongoro Crater in Tanzania, I chose to use Thomson Safaris, primarily because it was recommended by National Geographic and because it got many good write-ups. Thomson Safaris delivered everything they promised, when they promised. I recommend them. • This video is being managed exclusively by Newsflare. To license this video go to: or email [email protected] or call: +44 (0) 203 937 6280


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