HUDU Muzzle Brake Southern Precision Tooling
The HU-DU Muzzle Brake reduces recoil from 80 to 95 percent while completely eliminating muzzle rise. It is very literally the next evolution in firearms design. • With the HU-DU we’re making all guns equal – when recoil is essentially eliminated you can pick which gun you want to shoot based on cartridge alone. • How Does It Work? • The clean, simple design allows the HU-DU to attach to a threaded barrel with ease. Once attached and timed, muzzle rise and recoil reduction are immediate. Whether attached to an AR15 or a .338 Lapua, the HU-DU can scale to any caliber and delivers the same dynamic performance every single time. • Go to my Instagram / carolinaedc_reviews follow me to see more codes and links to save money, Best way to support my channel by using the link in my IG Bio, thanks!! • ************Discount codes**************** • AXIL : CAROLINAEDC • Trueshot gun club: CAROLINAEDC $20 off membership • SAFARILAND HOLSTERS - CORE10CAROLINAEDC 10% off • MyMedic: CAROLINAEDC 10% off • TACPACK - CAROLINAEDC get free grab bag • KORE ESSENTIALS - CAROLINAEDC10 10% off • Premier body Armor: JOHNN24 10% off • WILDER TACTICAL - JOHNN35 10% off • ARC DIVISION - CAROLINAEDC 5% off • PHASE5 SYSTEMS - CarEDC 5% off • XS SIGHTS - CAROLINAEDC 10% off • Swampfox Optics: CAROLINAEDC22 15% • HITMAN INDUSTRIES - CAROLINAEDC 20% off • BREEK ARMS-- CAROLINAEDC for 10% OFF • BENCHMASTER USA-- carolinaedc15 for 15% OFF • **************************************************************************** • Follow me on TikTok: • @carolinaedcreviews • Follow me on Instagram: • @carolinaedc_reviews • Follow me on Twitter: • @CarolinaEDC_R • Facebook : • / carolinaedcreview • #southernprecisiontooling #carolinaedcreview • **************************************************************************** • DISCLAIMER: my videos are strictly for documentary, educational, and entertainment purposes only. Imitation or the use of any acts depicted in these videos is solely AT YOUR OWN RISK. All work on firearms should be carried out by a licensed individual and all state and federal rules apply to such. I (including YouTube) will not be held liable for any injury to yourself or damage to your firearms resulting from attempting anything shown in any our videos. I do not endorse any specific product and this video is not an attempt to sell you a good or service. I am not a gun store and DO NOT sell or deal in firearms. Such a practice is heavily regulated and subject to applicable laws. We DO NOT sell parts, magazines, or firearms. These videos are free to watch and if anyone attempts to charge for this video notify us immediately. By viewing or flagging this video you are acknowledging the above.