CORE Chiropractic Teres Minor Exercise For Better Posture
Rounded shoulders? Improving the strength of your Teres Minor will go a long way in helping your shoulders rotate back out and give you better posture. (The doctor mistakenly says teres major but it's teres minor.) • CORE Chiropractic • 1770 Saint James Place #210 • Houston, TX 77056 • (713) 622-3300 • More information can be found on our website at • • CORE Chiropractic - Teres Minor Exerc... • Hi, my name's Dr. Natalie Cordova. • And my name is Dr. Brandon Siegmund. And we're here to demonstrate the teres major exercise for rounded shoulders. • So first you want to get a light weight, two to three pounds is all you need. Something light. So the first position that you want to maintain, is you want to be able to get the elbow out at 90 degrees, so you want to bring it here, or even more, sorry, go further down, towards the ground, so a greater angle than 90 degree. And then you're gonna go out about 40 degrees, and you're going from here, out another 10 degrees from here. This muscle right here is called the teres minor. And this is a very important muscle to strengthen when you're working on rounded shoulders. This is one of the muscles that's elongated and stretched out and so what you're trying to do is go, exactly how Dr. Siegmund is doing it. You're going from, bringing it in, and then going out, to about 45 degree angle. And you're just strengthening here. So if you can watch it from the front view, you're just going out, and in. And out, and back in. And you can do it at the same time with both arms, right. The whole key of this is that you're only moving the arm bone, you're not moving the whole shoulder girdle, you're not trying to move your chest, you're only trying to move the arm, inside it's socket. So it's a twist going forward, and a twist going back. Trying to strengthen the muscle that's in the back, it's a very small muscle, to strengthen that and pull those shoulders back, and avoid the rounded shoulders.