Ninja Kidz Mannequin Challenge
Ninja Kidz TV wasn't a channel when the Mannequin Challenge was popular. We're doing it anyway! Trapped in a vending machine, human pyramid and Awesome ninja kids! Just 1 week until Power Rangers 3, The rise of the green ranger! • Do you want us to give you a shoutout in a future video? All you need to do is name at least 2 people you see in the Mannequin Challenge. Then leave a comment with the names and time code of when you saw them. Happy Hunting! • Subscribe • • Like us on Facebook • / ninjakidztv • ********************************************************************* • NINJA KIDZ TV is an Awesome family friendly channel for all ages. We make fun action parodies, have adventures and teach cool skills with funny tutorials. Our videos often share valuable character building messages and powerful life skilz. No matter your age, you too can be a Ninja Kid! Ninja Kidz Got Skilz!