t56 Gap 4 DEBRIDE HOLE periodontal abscess
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Hauls - 2:56 - 3:45 - 5:10 - 8:05 - 8:45 - 10:30 - Major blood - 5:40 - 7:15 • 9/11/12 - Continue curettage to debride and liberate periodontal abscess on t5-6 lingual gap between bicuspid and eye tooth. Part of a large abscess complex running from second molar to second incisor, covering five teeth. • Curette: PDT Mini-Me combination of straight sickle and Langer 5-6 • Ultimately curettage area, unblocked abscess and bled it out. Followed up with roughly 20 major debridements over next 18 months to attempt to rehab the infected teeth. Teeth continue to survive. Haven't quite reached the bottom though. Main problems are tenacious calculus and dead periodontal membrane, plus infection around the root apex and into sinus. Combined with so much destruction.