Brand equity Your ultimate guide and how to build it
Brand equity is the additional brand value that a customer attaches to a particular brand due to the perception and the experiences with the brand. A positive experience will generate positive brand equity, while dissatisfying expertise will result in negative brand equity. • In simple terms, brand Equity is the loyalty, perception, and awareness of a customer towards a brand. Brand equity can be created over a period of time by offering products that give a memorable experience, excellent quality, and highly reliable products to its customers. • Brand equity is an asset that is the most valuable for a company, and even though it is intangible, it is vital for the success of a company. • To summarize, brand equity is like the public’s valuation of a brand. Brand equity depicts the consumer’s emotions with a brand. • For example, Starbucks’s customers have chosen the brand over other coffee brands due to its quality. According to Fortune magazine, Starbucks is rated as the fifth-most-desirable company in the world. It has more than 21,000 stores globally and remains as a top roaster and retailer of Arabica coffee beans. • Read more: