I FIXED Jeeps ANNOYING Stop Start Warning FOR GOOD
>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=ibESE5fAGf4
My Jeep started giving me Stop/Start Unavailable - Service Stop/Start System warnings every time I started the Jeep. This is a very common problem with the Jeep JL and JT models. • Here's a SIMPLE, FAST, and FREE way to fix this issue! • __________________________________ • NOTE: BASED ON MODEL AND YEAR YOU MAY HAVE TO CONNECT THE OTHER NEGATIVE BATTERY TERMINAL. MAY HAVE COMMENTED THAT THEY HAD TO CONNECT THE OTHER CABLE. IF MY METHOD DOESN'T WORK, TRY THE OTHER ONE. • Removing the Aux Battery WILL NOT disable the start/stop feature! You need: • Z Automotive Tazer JL Mini - https://amzn.to/4f4NCZt • or the • Z Automotive Tazer JL Lite - https://amzn.to/3U9Wg0I • __________________________________ • I would suggest the Mini. It has more features, but you can purchase the Lite and upgrade it later to the Mini version with a firmware upgrade you can purchase from Z Automotive. • The Jeep JL's and JT's have two batteries. The main battery and a small auxiliary battery for the Stop/Stop feature. • If that smaller Stop/Start battery dies, your Jeep won't start even though your main battery has a charge! So know how to bypass it if dies on the trail! • Some choose to replace the aux battery. Some choose to remove it entirely. It's located under the main battery and fuse block. The easiest way to access it is through the front passenger fender well. Just pull the fender liner and remove 3 bolts. • I opted to simply leave the aux battery in place and bypass it. It can be done in 10 minutes and costs $0!