Contact : 7099141720, 7099142294 • 🌾 Paddy Procurement 2024-25 by NISLA Fish Farmer Producer Organization (FFPO) 🌾 • Welcome to our overview of the paddy procurement process for the 2024-25 season, conducted by NISLA Fish Farmer Producer Organization (FFPO)! Located in Udalguri district, Assam, NISLA FFPO is committed to supporting local farmers by ensuring fair prices, transparent transactions, and a smooth procurement process. • In this video, we cover: • The step-by-step paddy procurement process • Key benefits for farmers participating in the program • NISLA FFPO’s initiatives to promote sustainable agriculture and community development • Insight into pricing, quality checks, and distribution logistics • Our goal is to empower farmers and strengthen rural economies. Join us as we take a closer look at how NISLA FFPO is transforming the agricultural landscape for a better future! • #PaddyProcurement2024 #NISLAFFPO #AssamAgriculture #FarmerEmpowerment #SustainableAgriculture #UdalguriFarmers #PaddyProcurementProcess #FairPriceAgriculture #FFPOInitiatives #FarmersSupport #AgricultureCommunity #AssamRuralDevelopment #AgricultureInIndia • Don't forget to like, share, and subscribe to our channel for more updates on agricultural projects and farmer initiatives!