How to Install Yarn


ACCESS the FULL COURSE here: • TRANSCRIPT • In this video we're simply going to install Yarn, which is a faster package manager that is an alternative to NPM. And I like it because it, it makes my package installs so much faster. To install Yarn, go to, and you'll know you're at the right spot when you see this really weird cat blasting off into space, because that's how fast Yarn is. You know, I've converted from using NVM, latest NVM to using Yarn because Yarn is just by my calculations about like 10 times faster. Often times I'd run NVM install just whenever I pull in changes, just to make sure that I have all the most up to date things, and that could take anywhere between one to five minutes even if no packages were updated or changed. With Yarn, it knows that I have all the packages and it exits really quickly, like after maybe five to 10 seconds. And, the rest of the time that I would use waiting on NPM better used programming. So let's install Yarn. Just click on the big, white Install Yarn button. Choose your operating system. I use Mac, so you'll run through Install Yarn. If you don't have Homebrew, then go ahead and install Homebrew. It's really important that you use Homebrew just in general when you have a Mac because it's really a convenient way to install a lot of things. And if you use NPM or Node Version Manager, then you'll want to run the dash dash without Node flag, so that way it uses NPM's version of Node. If you use Windows, then you can use the .msi file, or you can... In the section new to me, use something called Chocolatey, which sounds a lot cooler than Homebrew. I wish there was a Chocolatey Mac version, just because I like chocolate. But, you can just run Chocolatey to install Yarn and it will install Yarn for you. And, in case if you use Scoop instead of Chocolatey, then you can use Scoop install. How about a scoop of Chocolatey ice cream? It seems like somebody who was making packages for Windows was really in the mood for dessert. And there's a whole bunch of other ways you can install Yarn as well. Yarn -version. And here we see that we are using 1.5.1. I can't really imagine how Yarn's API can change, but if you happen to be at a different version of Yarn and some commands don't work, make sure that you find out how the API has changed so that way, you can go ahead and see what changed and update your commands accordingly.


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