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Pregnancy is a period that places great physiological stress on both the mother and the fetus. When • pregnancy is complicated by endocrine disorders such as hypothyroidism, the chances of adverse • outcomes increases for both the baby and the mother. • Pregnancy causes major changes in the levels of hormones made by the thyroid gland. • OUR PATREON PAGE • / medsimplified • CONNECT WITH US ON INSTAGRAM • https://www.instagram.com/medsimplifi... • CONNECT WITH US ON FACEBOOK • / medsimplified • SIGNS THAT YOU HAVE A LOW THYROID LEVEL - Hypothyroidism Symptoms • • SIGNS THAT YOU HAVE A LOW THYROID LEV... • HYPOTHYROIDISM FOODS TO AVOID - DIET FOR LOW THYROID LEVELS • • HYPOTHYROIDISM FOODS TO AVOID - DIET ... • NATURAL REMEDIES FOR HYPOTHYROIDISM • • NATURAL REMEDIES FOR HYPOTHYROIDISM • • For that • reason, thyroid problems sometimes can start or get worse during pregnancy or even after • childbirth. • The thyroid makes the hormones T3 and T4, which control metabolism which in simple terms is how • your body uses and stores energy. When the thyroid gland doesn’t make enough thyroid hormone, it • is k/a under active thyroid or hypothyroidism. • The symptoms of Hypothyroidism can be confused with the hormonal changes of a normal • pregnancy, such as tiredness and weight gain, so low thyroid levels can be overlooked in a pregnancy