What Attracts Partners with Avoidant Attachment
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Today's video was inspired by the question... • What does an avoidant partner gain from the relationship? • Individuals with avoidant attachment typically have rigid but fragile boundaries. While they may appear aloof and disconnected, still waters often run very deep. • In the Rolling Stone's past experience, the pleasure of relationship has not been worth the cost. And so, while a Rolling Stone might allow themselves a period of time in which they can enjoy the romantic perfume of emotional connection and supportive relationship, in time, these underlying beliefs and fears about what it really means to be connected (i.e. a loss of personal freedom and ultimate self-abandonment) will switch on, like a fan whirring in the background. • For some, they may be aware of this mechanism, and they would more likely fall into the fearful avoidant category. • For others, they may have no awareness of this, and dismiss their mysterious change of heart as a an unexplainable loss of chemistry , or search for evidence of flaws in their partner to explain why they suddenly feel bored, smothered, or uninterested. This is closer to what we might describe as dismissive avoidance. • To explore this further, checkout the video! • ⭐WANT TO LEARN MORE? ⭐ • Take the attachment styles quiz: • http://bit.ly/4LuvStylesYT • ********************************* • OTHER WAYS TO CONNECT… • Join our community on Instagram. • 👉 @brianamacwilliam 🌎 • 👉 @brianamacwilliam 🌎 • 👉 @brianamacwilliam 🌎 • ********************************* • Website: https://www.brianamacwilliam.com/