MK1 KOTH Subscriber Matches Join IN Mortal Kombat 1


Member's stream is a perk for those who have became channel members and those lately that have kindly submitted donations to the channel. I appreciate the support! These fights can sometimes be 1v1s koths. • Chime in, chat, watch me get mopped, or slice/freeze a fellow Grand Master or Titan. • If you're interested in becoming a member check the perks or feel free to ask: • Starting at Grand Master all perks included are priority koth selecting my mains/stage, a small roster of MK1 face emojis and YouTube username badges. • Titan ranks get the same perks + more 1v1's, top priorty in chat, our gameplay in my videos along with a shout out to you. Titans can also challenge me Live at anytime if I'm playing towers or KL for a best 2 out of 3 sets for any stream. • Happy hunting. This is the special streams for members. • #mk1 #mortalkobmat1 #koth #subzero #frost #live #gaming #livestream


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