FitBit Blaze Unboxing and Setup
Hi everyone. This is an opening, unboxing, and setup of the brand new Fitbit Blaze smart watch/tracker. Enjoy!
fit, bit, fitbit, blaze, smart, watch, tracker, fitness, work, workout, run, walk, calories, heart, rate, HR, monitor, stainless, steel, black, metal, premium, design, best, worse, favorite, life, healthy, weights, step, steps, pedometer, GPS, floors, floor, climbed, bike, treadmill, elliptical, fitstar, warm, it, up, minute, abs, timer, stopwatch, notification, text, message, messages, phone, calls, alarms, bluetooth, ios, iphone, android, samsung, smartphone, sleep, get, active, caller, ID, music, control, sync, wirelessly, long, battery, quick, charge