The Mourning Sons quotRamblequot Live Sideshow Alley
The Mourning Sons perform 'Ramble' for • • ABOUT THE EPISODE • Our first mid week shoot. Our first night shoot. Our first test of a new, improved and embiggened audio recording setup, that runs off car batteries and pureed vinyl. We were all set. Until the band got sick. We emailed, we made phone calls, we myspaced the crap out of our computers. So many bands had sick members or were out of town. Stupid winter. Finally, with only a few hours to go, we made contact with a new group of rock n rollers called The Mourning Sons. We've never played accoustic before, but we'll give it a fuckin go . That's the Sideshow Alley spirit, a proper rock band. None of this folksy crap we'd been shooting up till now. • An alley in Melbourne's Chinatown was the location. Behind the Exford Hotel, a notorious 24hr bottleshop. Perfect. The light was just right at the back of the Club X erotic shop. Also perfect. Our camera operators had beautiful, fast prime lenses. A wet ground too. Has grunge ever looked so good?...... That is it boys. One song, one take. Now let's get wasted. • ABOUT THE MOURNING SONS • The Mourning Sons are an exciting, new, no bullshit, good old fashioned rock'n'roll band that is a must see. The band was formed in 2008, and since then the boys have recorded their debut album - 'pipedreams', and played shows all over the country as well as regularly in their home town - Melbourne. • ABOUT SIDESHOW ALLEY • Sideshow Alley captures performing artists in the alleys and laneways of Melbourne. One song. One take. With no fixed agenda and no rehearsal. Created by a handful of talented film makers, photographers and sound engineers, the Sideshow Alley collective produce amazing videos from these unique moments.