Engineering the Brain Deploying a New Neural Toolkit
A new generation of technology is revolutionizing neuroscience, allowing a closer study of the brain than had ever seemed possible. The techniques are hybrids of optics, genetics, and synthetic biology with the ability to manipulate brain activity, often in real time. Through direct stimulation of neural connections, some of these techniques hold the promise for the treatment of diseases like depression or schizophrenia. • PARTICIPANTS: Elizabeth M C Hillman, Dayu Lin, Conor Liston, Anthony Zador • MODERATOR: Guy McKhann • Original program date: JUNE 3, 2017 • FIND OUT MORE ABOUT THE PROGRAM AND PARTICIPANTS: • • This program is part of the Big Ideas Series, made possible with support from the John Templeton Foundation. • SUBSCRIBE to our YouTube Channel for all the latest from WSF • VISIT our Website: • LIKE us on Facebook: / worldsciencefestival • FOLLOW us on Twitter: / worldscifest • Participant Introduction 00:29 • Where did Optogenetics come from? 01:29 • Using imaging techniques to see the broader picture 09:00 • Putting prisms in the brain to better understand optogenetics 27:10 • Studying mice brains vs. human brains. 40:09 • Where will we be in the next 10 years? 52:00 • Q A 55:00 • This program was filmed live at the 2017 World Science Festival and edited for YouTube.