Why is the Banyan tree considered so important
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The Banyan tree is the national tree of India. It is considered sacred because it is very important for the environment and the entire ecosystem. One major benefit is that it has an expansive root system which helps to pump groundwater. But the banyan trees have almost disappeared from India nowadays. Authorities need to give high importance to the Banyan tree and plant it on a massive scale. • Give Me Trees Trust has planted more than 20 million trees all across the country. It was founded by Peepal Baba, who is one of the most renowned environmentalists in the country. Give Me Trees has more than 7000 volunteers throughout the country. • Peepal Baba and Give Me Trees have been featured in Hindustan TImes, Your Story, Zee News and other media channels. Peepal Baba is the recipient of many national awards, including the Unsung Heroes Award, presented to him by John Abraham. • Give Me Trees covered by Your Story: • https://yourstory.com/2017/08/give-me... • Give Me Trees Facebook page: • / givemetreest. . • Peepal Baba Facebook page: • https://www.facebook.com/GiveMeTrees?... • To know more about Peepal Baba, visit • • To know more about Give Me Trees, visit • https://givemetrees.org.in/