Childrens Sermon January 9 2022 Baptism of Our Lord Lectionary 1 Year C
Held Tuesday, September 14, 2021, 9am-12noon Eastern / 8am-11am Central • Led via Zoom by The Rev. Dr. Gordon Lathrop, a pastor of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America and a retired professor of liturgy who has taught at two different seminaries of the ELCA, at Yale Divinity School, and at the Virginia Theological Seminary. • Find study notes from Dr. Lathrop here: • This Preaching Workshop covers the following Gospel lessons from year B in the Revised Common Lectionary: • October 3 - Mark 10:2-16 • October 10 - Mark 10:17-31 • October 17 - Mark 10:35-41 • October 24 - Mark 10:46-52 • October 31 - Mark 12:23-34 • For other preaching workshops organized by the Southeastern Synod, click here: • If you found this workshop helpful, please consider giving a financial gift, here: