Professor Rebecca Fitzgerald medicine How To Be Good episode 1


Writer Francis Spufford in conversation with Professor Rebecca Fitzgerald, to discuss what it means for her to be ‘good’ in the discipline of medicine, both as a clinician and as a scientist. • Rebecca is Professor of Cancer Prevention at the University of Cambridge. She runs a research group at the MRC Cancer Unit and is an Honorary Consultant in Gastroenterology at Addenbrooke's Hospital. She is a Fellow and Director of Studies in Medicine at the University of Cambridge and a Fellow of the Academy of Medical Sciences. She received the Westminster Medal, NHS Innovation Prize and Sir Francis Avery Jones Medal from the British Society of Gastroenterology for her work in developing a new test to diagnose cancer early. She is committed to bringing research advances into clinical practice and training others to do the same. • How To Be Good is a series of conversations between Francis Spufford and five distinguished professionals in which they discuss what 'good' looks like in their working lives, how they negotiate difficult ethical territory, and how their professional 'goodness' is informed, challenged, or at odds with the Christian tradition. • The events take place on Thursdays at 6.45pm in the Drawing Room of The Bishop's House, Ely, starting on 6 September 2018. Videos of each talk are being released on the Ely Cathedral YouTube channel at 7pm on the following Monday, from 10 September to 8 October 2018. • For more information, including how to book tickets (very limited places available), visit: • • Music: ‘Immaterial Line 13’ by James Olsen: •    / jamesolsentv   • Video produced by Olsen Verlag: •


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