BIOS modding over ETHOSDISTRO and WINDOWS using PBE Mining 101
So this is kind of a follow up video to the previous GPU bios modding video but just used ethOS for saving and flashing the BIOS. In the previous one I showed you how use windows completely, but since I found out that ethOS is way more overpowered and better for mining hence, using its inbuilt tools to save and program GPU BIOS'. Works with all RX cards, RX460, RX470, RX480, RX560, RX570, RX580. • All required software packages: • #1. • #2. • #3. ATIflash, pre-installed on ethOS • Terminal commands/steps to follow: • #1. sudo atiflash -i • #2. sudo atiflash -s GPU# name_ori.rom • #3. use WinSCP to transfer the original rom from ethOS rig • #4. use PolarisBiosEditor (PBE) • #5. use WinSCP to transfer modded rom to the ethOS rig • #6. sudo atiflash -p GPU# name_modded.rom • #7. sudo hard-reboot • If you liked the video, felt if it helped you, or just feel like donating, • ETH: 0x58443c4604851fDF5bC299eEdC862e4f2141D73a