The Seven Fires Anishinaabe History 5001000 Years Ago


One of the many firsthand accounts of Native American history prior to 1492 comes from the Anishinaabe Seven Fires teachings. In this lecture we take a look at the first Four Fires: from the time the Anishinaabeg were living on the east coast (or coast of the dawn) more than one-thousand years ago to the arrival of the pale-skinned strangers four to five hundred years ago. • The account of the Anishinaabe migration is an interesting history, one which not only shows perspectives often ignored in American history but also one which shows prophets may come, but it doesn't always mean people will listen...or that we won't lose our way when following a vision. • Happy Native American Heritage Month! • This lecture is appropriate for junior high school students, high school students and college students. It helps satisfy Common Core (e.g. Content Objective Describe what life was like for Native American tribes before the arrival of Europeans ). • Facebook:   / waysofthewildwood   • Patreon:   / waysofthewildwood   • Webpage:


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