How to Sew a Flat Fell Seam
In this video tutorial we'll show you step by step how to sew a flat fell seam. This is a finish most commonly used on jeans and denim garments and sometimes men's shirts. It encases the seam allowances inside themselves and is finished with some lovely topstitching. • I'll also show you a cheats method, which is slightly quicker and easier than the traditional method, but has the appearance of a flat fell seam. • Firstly sew a 5/8 seam with the wrong sides of your fabric together. Press the seam open and trim one of the seam allowances to half it's width. Press the edge of the other seam allowance over slightly then fold the seam allowance down over the trimmed seam allowance and press in place. • Topstitch the seam allowance down about 1/8 from the folded edge of the seam allowance then sew a second line of parallel stitches about 1/8 away from the seamline. There are no hard and fast rules here - it is up to you where you would like to position the topstitching as long as it keeps the seam allowances in the correct position. • There you have it some lovely neat flat fell seams. • ► Website • ► Blog • ► Sewing machine accessories • Carefree Melody by Twin Musicom is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (