Hyperuniformity in 1D Abelian Sandpile Models by Rahul Dandekar
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DISCUSSION MEETING • • STATISTICAL PHYSICS: RECENT ADVANCES AND FUTURE DIRECTIONS (ONLINE) • • ORGANIZERS: Sakuntala Chatterjee (SNBNCBS, Kolkata), Kavita Jain (JNCASR, Bangalore) and Tridib Sadhu (TIFR, Mumbai) • • DATE: 14 February 2022 to 15 February 2022 • • VENUE: Online • • In the past few decades, there have been remarkable developments in Statistical Physics, in both equilibrium and non-equilibrium contexts. These developments have shaped our outlook for complex systems in general. A focus of this meeting is to reflect on the current day status of some of these advances in modern Statistical Physics and to discuss future directions and open problems. An emphasis will be on some of the pioneering contributions from the Indian scientific community. These include (not exclusively) topics on fluctuation-induced ordering, growing interfaces, driven diffusive systems, self-organized criticality, emergent complexity, out-of-equilibrium transport, percolation, and exactly solvable lattice models. • • A special session: Prof. Mustansir Barma and Prof. Deepak Dhar have made numerous important contributions in Theoretical Physics, especially in the field of Statistical and Mathematical Physics. Besides their scientific contributions, they have also trained a large number of young researchers and contributed in shaping the Indian Statistical Physics community. There will be a special session in this meeting in honour of their lasting contributions to the scientific community at large. • • CONTACT US: [email protected] • PROGRAM LINK: https://www.icts.res.in/discussion-me...