ERCP vs MRCP T tube cholangiogram PTC


WHAT IS CHOLEGRAPHY? • Percutaneous Transhepatic Cholangiogram. Several techniques can be used to examine the gallbladder and the biliary ductal system. In many hospital and other institutions, ultrasound or sonography is the modality of choice. Cholegraphy is the general term for a radiographic study of the biliary system. • Cholecystography was developed by Graham, Cole, and Copher in the year 1924 and 1925. There are various oral cholegraphic contrast media developed listed in sequence in year developed and used Oral Cholegraphic. • Like cholecystography is the radiographic study of the gallbladder, and cholangiography is the radiographic study of the biliary ducts. Radiographic examination of both gallbladder and the biliary ducts is termed as cholecystangiography or cholecystocholangiography. • #BIlliarySystem #Radiography


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