Molar Mass Molecular Weight of C2H4 Ethene
Explanation of how to find the molar mass of C2H4: Ethene. • A few things to consider when finding the molar mass for C2H4: • make sure you have the correct chemical formula. • always include the units for molecular weight (grams/mole). • make sure you do the math right - follow the order of operations. • Watch: Molar Mass in Three Easy Steps: • How to Calculate Molar Mass (Molecula... • Note that molecular weight, molar mass, and gram formula mass are essentially the same concept. • Periodic Table Image from: • Mole Stoichiometry Playlist: • Moles, Grams, and More (Stoichiometry) • Finding the Molar Mass (sometimes called Molecular Weight although the units are different) of a compound is a essential skill for the chemistry topic of stoichiometry and the first step in converting from moles to grams (or grams to moles). • For more chemistry help visit .