Epilay Platinum Roofing Underlayment Product Installation Tips
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Epilay Platinum synthetic roofing underlayment is approved for roofing slopes 2/12 and above. Recommended installation tips • ✔️Ensure deck surface is free of nails, protrusions and any other debris that may damage the product while you're installing. • ✔️On slopes 4/12 and higher, lay out product horizontally to the eave with the printed side up. • ✔️Horizontal laps should be at least for inches, vertical laps should be at least six inches • ✔️Anchor approximately one inch from the edge. • ✔️On slopes 2/12 to 4/12, overlap product at least 50% plus one inch, which in our case is 25 inches. • ✔️Fasten the product with any standard roofing fastener, whether it be a corrosive resistant roofing nail with a 3/8 inch head, plastic cap nail or staple, hammer tacker 3/8 inch crown or 7/16 inch crown staple. • ✔️For extended exposure, be sure to either use plastic cap nails or staples, or 3/8 inch head roofing nails. Use any of those fasteners to prevent distortion around the fasteners in high traffic areas. (0:55) ✔️Use the nail pattern printed on the product which is 12 inches on top and bottom, 24 inches on the center. • #roofingunderlayment • Learn more: https://www.epilay.com/synthetic-roof...