Destiny 2 Thunderlord vs EVERY RAID BOSS
Taking the new Thunderlord Exotic Quest Reward Machine Gun through the Last Wish Forsaken Raid in Destiny 2 to see how it performs! • → COMPLETE LAST WISH RAID GUIDE: • Destiny 2: LAST WISH RAID FOR DUMMIES... • --- *NEW MERCH*: • → SAVE ON ASTRO PRODUCTS: • • • The New Forsaken DLC Expansion is here, insluding the new Last Wish Raid! Today we continue the Raid VS series! Taking the new Forsaken/Festival of the Lost DLC Exotic, the Thunderlord Machine Gun, through the Last Wish Raid and ranking this exotic Power weapon in each encounter: Kalli the Corrupted, Shuro Chi the Corrupted, Morgeth the Spirekeeper, The Vault, Riven of a thousand Voices (Final Boss), and Riven's Heart! • --- My Twitter: / rickkackis • --- My Twitch Channel: / profile