Too Opinionated Interview Mark Mester


Riding the launch of his brand new podcast series this past weekend, charming and hilarious former news anchor Mark Mester has begun a new era of entertaining audiences with his gut busting comedy and lifestyle podcast series “The Mark Mester Show.” • Having been a household family name for nearly a decade and being best known as the hot, funny KTLA News anchor, Mark made the hardest decision in his career after being unjustly suspended from his company in 2022. Now on the other side of things and coming back stronger and more determined, Mark is breaking out on his own with exciting new content that is catered to the audience he has built. In his new podcast series “The Mark Mester Show,” Mark will take his listeners on a journey in true “Mark Mester Style”, by hosting a variety show-like series that focuses on a plethora of topics including big news stories, fun live interaction segments with fans and listeners of the series and more. Ever the innovator, Mark wants the series to resonate with his fans, followers, and new listeners to bring a positive spin in a world that is not always positive. • Like many did during the early years of the pandemic, Mark began honing his cooking skills at home and exploring a variety of food. Creating the #MestersMeals, Mark moved beyond the sourdough craze and began creating content for his followers that covered everything from sesame chicken to meatball subs, the perfect homemade tomato soup with grilled cheese, and healthy options like salmon with rice, steamed vegetables and avocado, as well as the ultimate breakfast sandwich.


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