Saturn Astrology How To Get Saturn To Help You Succeed
Hi. It’s Lalitha Devi and I am a Pillai Center teacher teacher and AstroVed astrologer. I was writing a blog on Saturn and I decided to come and do this quick video for you. • AstroVed Astrology : Rewrite Your Destiny • Lalitha Devi, AstroVed Astrologer • I want to give you some tips on how to handle Saturn and its more difficult aspects and influence. • Saturn Vedic Astrology: How To Get Saturn To Help You Succeed • Know What Saturn's Influence For You: • So, first of all you, have to know who Saturn is. The Saturn period is not good for almost anyone. So on Saturday, pay attention how the day is going and think then you know whether Saturn is good for you or not. • Astrology Consultation: • Regardless of all that, you can of course, have an astrological consultation to know how things are going for you. And if you are stuck -- you're trying to launch your business, you are trying to launch a project. And it's not working and everything is stalled, then you know most likely Saturn is harming you. • Be Compassionate To Workers, Poor People: • But so if you're compassionate to workers and poor people and disabled people, Saturn's energy will shift. • It's a small shift you can make right now and that's the takeaway for this day for this video. • No matter what's going on, no matter what's out there is like for you, you can make it good. You can make it work because that will make you slow down. • Shift the focus off of you • and onto other people who are suffering. • All of a sudden, possibilities will open up and your projects also will go better. So that's how it's been taught by the Rishis, by Dr. Pillai. Always be compassionate, especially on a Saturday. If you can, make a donation and see how things change. If they're not changing, then there’s stronger technology. • You can also wear black on Saturday and Denim. Denim was originally a fabric for laborers for workers, because Saturn is working classes. As I said, the poor and all the disabled people and also history and legacy, how you change the world with your actions and your hard work. So even if you're working very hard, don't lose hope. • Saturn will reward you at some point, sooner or later. And if you want that sooner, you can use a powerful technology that was taught by the Rishis. • And that's a mantra. It's a set of sounds that is very powerful. It will help you shift your consciousness and make you more in tune with the positive energy of Saturn. That will be “Om Sani Charaya Namaha.” I don't know if you can read it below. If not, try to repeat it with me, “Om Sani Charaya Namaha.” And if you recite that on Saturdays, 108 times, things will start happening. • And you'll be much happier. • Fire Ceremonies To Saturn, Hanuman and Shiva: • I am a big fan of fire rituals. I’ve tested them. I’ve sponsored them. And I recommend those for everyone. So, Saturn fire rituals and Shiva. And also Hanuman. That's very powerful, [he] will change your predicament into good things for you, some achievements that you've been waiting for a long time. • Saturn Gives Wealth, Gives Longevity • Remember the Saturn is the planet that brings you a lot of wealth, that has longevity. The way it gives you longevity for your life, it also gives you longevity for your projects, for your finances and it also helps the future generations. So I hope this helped and stay in touch. Thank you so much for watching. ~ Lalitha • SPECIALS: • [FREE] videos, Free astrology apps Content • LET'S CONNECT • Subscribe: • FaceBook: / astroved • Twitter / astroved • Replay This Video Url: • Saturn Astrology: How To Get Saturn T... • --- YouTube Music License -- • must include the following in your video description: • Cylinder Nine by Chris Zabriskie is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license ( • Source: • Artist: