Is Your Hot Water Not Hot Enough Plumbdog Plumbing Perth


This video shows how hot water systems should be properly set up. After gasfitters install the system they should always check if the hot water reaches the 50 degrees standard tap temperature. The featured property has a Rinnai Infinity B20 hot water system set up and when Richard checked the water temperature, it was not hot enough. He checked how the pipes were laid and it goes all the way into the wall cavity of the house which most probably goes around to the roof and into the ground. This is called solar system connected. As the hot water travels down the pipes there is a natural heat loss along the way and that’s the reason why taps may not be receiving the correct temperature. • Richard checked the taps in the property to see how hot the water is inside. He did this so he knows how much he will increase the temp in the main panel. Seeing that there is around 3 degrees loss he will over-ride and increase the factory set temperature with the same amount. • Licensed gasfitters are the best ones to call to resolve these kinds of issue. Making adjustments in the main panel can be dangerous and may cause more problems in the future. • You can also check an extensive version of a video that had the same temperature problem in their taps. It is a different system but shows more details regarding low pressure and low temperature. • “Poor Hot Water Pressure And Low Hot Water Temperature Rectified By Plumbdog Plumbing Perth”    • Low Hot Water Pressure And Low Hot Wa...   • Learn more about us at: • Website: • Our Blog: • Our specialist services: • Leak Detection Repairs: • Blocked Drains Detection Repairs: • Hot Water Systems:


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