CM100 PreChristian Samoa
CM100 - Intro to #christianmissions in the Pacific • This course is an introduction to Christian mission organizations that arrived in the Pacific Islands during the late 1700s. We will explore a brief history of the Christian organizations (e.g. #LondonMissionSociety, #Wesleyan, etc.), discuss their biblical doctrines, and examine how Pacific Islanders responded to these religious organizations who mainly came from Europe and the United States. • Upon completing this course, students will be able to: • 1. Identify Christian organizations that arrived in the Pacific during the 1700s and after; • 2. Discuss how Pacific Islanders reacted to the arrival of the Gospel; • 3. Understand the impact Christianity had on Pacific societies over the years. • #Pre-ChristianSamoa believed in hierarchies of beings - inanimate and animate objects. Gods were enshrined in objects such as fish, birds, #atualoa. When you die, Samoans believed you walk the earth (#aitu or ghosts). Belief systems in Samoa. Even though Samoa becomes Christianized, Samoans still preserve some Pre-Christian practices like the #tatau (#tattoo) with the #pe'a (men) and the #malu (women). TATAU DESIGNS include some of these spiritual beings (atualoa, birds).