Edgar Froese Aqua Original CD

>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=jNWF50faO0s

0:00:00 - Aqua [17.00] • 0:17:01 - Panorphelia [9.41] • 0:26:41 - NGC 891 [14.01] • 0:40:42 - Upland [6.41] • While many band members of Tangerine Dream started a successful solo carreer after they had left the band (Klaus Schulze, Conrad Schnitzler, Peter Baumann, Johannes Schmoelling, Chris Franke or Paul Haslinger, only to name a few), TD's founder Edgar Froese launched his solo career in that year TD got their contract with the British record label Virgin. His debut album Aqua was recorded in winter 1973/1974 in Berlin at the same time TD's Virgin debut Phaedra was recorded in England. The reason for Edgar Froese to produce an album on his own was the need of additional financial support. It allowed TD to develop their custom-built equipment. According to Edgar Froese, his advance was immediately invested in the acquisition and development of the then unknown sequencers and modular synthesisers. The water that can be heard on the title track is the water tube in his apartment. • • Edgar Froese used an Artificial Head System (a replica of a human head fitted with condenser microphones, built by AKG and Sennheiser) for recording noises, especially those of airplanes approaching the Berlin airport. Unfortunately the resulting three-dimensional effect could be reproduced adequately only with headphones but not through two speakers. Thus this experiment was not continued on later recordings by Edgar Froese or Tangerine Dream.


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